التحديث الجديد للاداه العملاقه
Batch ApkToo 3.7.2
المتخصصه في فك وتجميع تطبيقات الاندرويد
والعديد من المميزات الخفيه 👀
الاده عباره عن واجهه بسيطه
رابط التحميل

مميزات االاصدار الجديد..
الموضوع كامل في موقع مطور الاداه
Batch ApkTool 3.7.6 DONATE
- Added the ability to quickly select menu options, those. instead of 7 -> 1, you can dial 71.
- In the advanced settings, the option to select the APK signature scheme (v1 or auto) is added.
- Updated smali (2.2.5_1008), zipalign.
- Fixed Android 9.0 deodexing on computers with old processors that lack SSE4.2 instructions.
- Fixed some bugs.
Batch ApkTool 3.7.5 DONATE
- Changed Android 9.0 deodexing method, WSL pre-tuning is no longer required. On Windows 7 - 10, flinux is used, on Windows XP - adb.
- Apksigner.jar is now used for signing: added support for APK Signature Scheme v2.
- Updated apktool (2.4.0_0918), oat2dex (0.90_0918).
Batch ApkTool 3.7.4 DONATE
- Added Android 9.0 deodexing via WSL (only on Windows 10 x64) or through a device / emulator. More details here
- Updated apktool (2.4.0_0906), vdexExtractor (0.5.2), jadx (0.8.0 build 547), adb.
- Dalvik bytecode translator to JVM bytecode was replaced with dex2jar.
Batch ApkTool 3.7.3 DONATE
- Added extraction of CompactDex (.cdex) files from .vdex files during Android 9.0 deodexing. Later you can convert them to .dex files via compact_dex_converter on Linux or macOS. Full deodexing of Android 9.0 in Windows is currently impossible (.
- Updated apktool (2.3.4_0902), smali (2.2.5), vdexExtractor (0.5.1), jadx (0.8.0 build 539), luyten 0.5.3 (procyon 0.5.33), Java (8u181), zipalign.
- Updated Turkish language from Hakan Güven.
- Added Lithuanian language from Shimas 5.
- Fixed several bugs.
Batch ApkTool 3.7.2 FREE
- Updated apktool (2.4.0_0918), smali (2.2.5), oat2dex (0.90_0918), vdexExtractor (0.5.2), jadx (0.8.0 build 547), UnpackerFirmware (1.6.0) plugin, luyten 0.5.3 (procyon 0.5.33), Java (8u181), Python (3.6.6), adb, zipalign.
- In the advanced settings, the option of choosing a utility for deodexing Android 8.x and higher (baksmali or vdexExtractor) has been added.
- Many improvements in deodexation algorithms.
- Added plugin remove_classes_dex from Andycar to remove classes.dex from APK / JAR files.
- Added Turkish by Hakan Güven.
- Fixed some bugs.
Batch ApkTool 3.7.2 FREE
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